Monday, July 31, 2023

Anchorage and then to Seward on the Kenai Peninsula

From the town of Talkeetna, I took a long bike ride back to the highway. When I turned around I had this view of Denali.

A peaceful Sunday morning for two float planes.

I stayed at a coastal campground in Anchorage. This is the world-famous Ship Creek salmon fishing ground. The fly fishermen were catching a salmon on almost every cast. 

After a hike in Anchorage, I met a Swiss couple who said they were flying home the next day. They gave me their bear spray. Less than a week ago I bought one for $50 in Denali. Now I am a double shooter!

Downtown Anchorage.

Types of Pacific salmon.

Anchorage has 140 miles of interconnected bike and hiking trails that encircle Anchorage.

Cook Inlet and mud flats. Captain Cook logged this inlet in 1778.

A really cool bike trail alongside Ship Creek, Anchorage.

Leaving Anchorage and heading to Seward, Alaska on the Kenai Peninsula.

I look like I'm ready for a fight! It's a bit cold.

Exit Glacier - a really cool glacier that I will hike to in another post.

One of my most beautiful camp spots ever - Seaward, Alaska right on  Ressurection Bay. There is a cruise ship in port as Seward is at the top of the Alaskan Marine Highway.

Not a good picture but this is a bald eagle behind Belle!

The eagle is in the middle lower half.


My view from Belle's upper berth!

Dry camping (no hookups) on Resurrection Bay, Seward, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska.

Besides the Antarctic, this is the most beautiful place I've been.

The port of Seward.

Taken at 10pm.

A view of the Kenai Peninsula in the Gulf of Alaska.

I spent 4 nights in Seward and then drove all around Kenai Peninsula to Homer.

The last day in Seward was very eerie weather. Three sailboats and a fishing boat.

A fishing trawler headed out.


  1. The pictures are very impressive and your words share the energy you have for this journey. That weather change is eerie. Good for you to stay awhile in such a beautiful place!

  2. Yes it was very interesting and relaxing. I even found a few pieces of yellowfin tuna to bbq. Thanks.
