Monday, March 27, 2017


The sun set on March 21, 2017. It will continue to circle and drop to just over minus 23 degrees before starting its return on June 21st for the only sunrise of the year on September 21st.

Sunset from my room. The sun elevation here is  -1 degree and the South Pole is in civil twilight. In about two weeks we will be plunged into 6 months of total dark. Let winter begin!

From the end of the world.
How cool is this - a South Pole Green Flash! Photo credit: Martin Wolf
Walked down the beer can to the underground

The door to the power plant.

It was a two day weekend and I volunteered for the 4am power watch on both days. I also did this the winter of 2013. My co-worker and I work seven days a week to support the satellite schedule.

One of three generators. There is 600,000 gallons of AN8 jet fuel on station to power three  750 KW generators. 

I enjoy working different systems.

The three main generators. They are alternated every 1,000 hours. 78% of the generator heat by-product is used for station heat that is set at 62 degrees F. The fuel is delivered by C-130's during the summer at a cost of $45 per gallon. 

South Pole Costco.

Everything is frozen. The underground is a constant -50 degrees F

The beer can door.

Looking out the beer can door under the station.

Sunset dinner.

Fireplace video.

Salad from the growth chamber green house.

My plate minus the grilled bison and duck. I decided to go vegetarian for the winter.

Excellent desert. The last of the fresh fruit until November.

A memorial table setting for the four people who have died at the South Pole.


  1. This is an amazing sight to see through your photos. Thank you for sharing them and your smiling face knowing how cold that area actually can be. I appreciate that this is your winter as I am experiencing the warmth of our Florida spring. Take care sweetie! Love always, Andee

  2. Thanks Andee for all your comments. Love you.
