Sunday, August 13, 2023

All Aboard the White Pass & Yukon Route Train


The White Pass train travels from Skagway to the White Pass and into the Yukon. It travels alongside one of the original trails gold prospectors took to where the gold was in Dawson City. It was a daunting trail as when the prospectors arrived in Skagway very few knew that they had to travel another 550 miles and had to construct a boat or buy one to travel north on the waterways to Dawson City.

On the last mountain (top third) is the roadway to Skagway.

The Skagway River.

Passing into Canada.

The original trail to the pass. Each person was required to carry 1,000 pounds of gear and supplies.

Many pack animals and people fell to their deaths..

The original train bridge built in 1900.

Another view of the road to Skagway.

Looking back at Skagway.

Once arriving in Skagway there were two choices White Pass Trail and the Chilkoot Trail from Dyea. Both trails merged into Bennett. From there one built a boat or hired one.

White Pass is to the right from Skagway. The entire trip to Dawson City was about 600 miles. Each person was required to carry 1,000 pounds of gear and supplies or was not allowed to proceed. 

A very famous picture of the 1,000-foot climb known as the "Golden Stairs" at the summit of the Chilkoot Trail.

                                    Two short cool train videos.

1 comment:

  1. Are you on that train or watching those videos somewhere? I couldn't sit by a window and look down the crevasses. Yikes. Lovely country, but gold isn't worth that kind of trek.
