Saturday, September 15, 2018

The Beauty of the Antarctic

That's me on the horse arriving home after another adventurous Antarctic winter.
What a beautiful day. Yesterday a storm rolled through with 65 mph wind.

Looking at Marr Glacier from the station.

Torgersen Island, the closest island from the station.

A sunset sky over Marr Glacier.

A pair of snowy sheathbills.

A sunset sky over Hero Inlet.

Snowy sheathbill.
Whenever I'm on the glacier I hike to the radio repeater and scrape the solar panel. This allows the sun to charge the three car size batteries.
Another pretty Antarctic sunset.

The view from my room. Some days are super clear.

A lot of snow.

This sunset brought out the glacier blue.

The sea is trying to ice-over again. 

A cold and lonely radio repeater.

The snow continues to fill in.

Palmer Station from the other side of Hero Inlet.

Giant petrel tracks.

Some icebergs are really blue.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mike,
    I thought I already made a comment on this site, but I don't see it. You do know that the person on the horse is a woman? Funny, that is like me to find things like the remote. Sadly we have two remotes that don't work well....just need a newer TV! haha. We can all watch what we want on our computers now! So, enjoy your final month of fairly calm the home is always buzzing with action. Yaki and Bucky are two crazy pups that love attention and walks. I am looking forward to your awesome cooking skills! Take care and love always, andee
