Sunday, October 4, 2020

Sunsets and Ice

A wave sastrugi.

Rocks reflecting off the icy water of Hero Inlet.

The following four pictures of the same sunset.

I voted from Antarctica.

Crab eater seal floating by.

Glacial blue.

My office on the left alongside the radome that encloses the 16-foot satellite communications antenna.

When I run up and down the station road I mark my laps in the snow. 15 laps are 4.8 miles.

Shoveling snow at the glacier radio sled. This is done every two weeks or so or the sled gets buried. The sled is at the top of the glacier about 1.5 miles from the station.

A few years ago the glacier collapsed and this island discovered.

Antarctic sunsets are varied and amazing.

The view from my dorm window this Sunday morning.

This will be the setup for the penguin cam we will soon install on a local island. The webcam is to the far right. There are two solar panels and an equipment box with two batteries. The camera will be installed on a tall pole and transmit nesting Adelie penguins pictures once every 15 seconds. 

A beautiful sunrise.

Brash ice floating in.



  1. Found this post, and many others, so I will play catch-up and review with my students. Thanks again!

  2. Hi Mike, I just ran across this, so I thought I'd say Hi..
