Sunday, April 21, 2013

Exercise 'travel' to McMurdo and the South Pole Greenhouse is going off

A goal of many winter Polies is to 'travel' the 840 miles to McMurdo by way of walking, running, biking, elliptical, and rowing in the gym. Unfortunately it is now too dark to run outside as only a red light is permitted (because of Dark Sector science) so I am on the dreaded treadmill.

Each mile is marked on this chart. I just reached the half way point but have a long way to go as I plan to do a round trip. If I'm not working, sleeping or eating I am in the gym.

I'm at 420 miles after starting February 18th.
The South Pole Greenhouse is really producing a large variety of lettuce, vegetables and fruits. A salad is served with homemade dressings most days of the week. I have never had spicy lettuce but with some sprinkled on regular lettuce makes for an interesting salad. Along with that we have a seemingly endless supply of ice cream and cookies. Every three days or so a batch of 250 cookies are made. We know when the cookies are fresh out of the oven as the smell permeates the station. The fresh eggs will be gone by the end of the month. The chef does make a variety of delicious pancakes almost daily. 

The South Pole in the winter is not a good place to break a tooth. This crown broke off with the tooth inside. Since neither the doctor or the physician's assistant have dental training I hope the tooth that is broken at the gum line can last until November. If not they will have to learn how to use a dental drill. Not a good thought.

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