Monday, May 14, 2018

Denizens of the Deep and the Lawrence M. Gould leaves for Chile.

A popular Antarctic design. After four winters this is home away from home for me.

The Gould ghosting in.

A work day - on my way to check on a remote radio site about a mile up the Marr Glacier. What an adventure job!

This radio repeater is at the top of the Marr Glacier. It insures good handheld radio contact with all boating. I hike up here once a week to make sure all is well. This picture is from when I first arrived at Palmer.

A storm moving in. I found shelter.

The divers removing snow from their boat. Even though the Zodiacs are covered blowing snow can fill it. 

The Gould departing. That is the Antarctic continent in the background about 10 miles away.

The day is shrinking with a 10:00 sunrise and 4:30 sunset.

The Gould recently returned from a fishing trip and returned with these denizens of the deep caught at over 800 meters down - about 1/2 mile.

Pig Fish have been found at nearly 4 miles deep.


Another octopus. 

A skate purse (egg case).

Several interesting crab like creatures.

Yes, the pig fish look like pigs!

The Gould is on its way back to Punta Arenas, Chile. It is a tradition to jump off the pier when the ship departs. The water is 34 degrees f and the air around 30 f. When I was at Scott Base (the New Zealand base next to McMurdo Station), Antarctica a large hole was cut in the sea ice for people to enjoy a polar plunge. There the water is 28 f and the wind chill that morning was -56 f. 

The Polar Plunge at Scott base in 2012.
The Gould departing for Punta Arenas, Chile.
Hadar, the largest boat on station, being removed from the inlet for the upcoming winter.

A sunrise reflection on the continent's mountains.


  1. like you’re on vacation rather then work.

  2. Hello again! I read the more recent blog and then realized that I had missed this one during my journey. Nice comparison of the Polar Plunges! Please don't do that again! I am hoping to remember the cooler climate of the Grand Tetons that I was able to experience three days ago! We are in the upper 80's F daily now and I am wondering why the A/C is set on 82? Yikes, someone likes it hot! I bet you have to really think about that heat and humidity. So, keep exploring and sharing the best of your days! I forgot that the sunlight is limited during the winter, but at least there is some light daily! Take care and love always, andee
